Methods & material

Hey people!!!

wanna try to prepare a healthy n delicious soup? It would also be part of our experiment process.. Here are the ingredients and method.. They're relatively simple =)

  • Some green leafy vegetables.. (optional, either lettuce, brussels sprouts,spinach)
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 packet of wolfberry
  • 1.2L of water
  • Salts

5 easy steps to follow....
  1. Put water to boil in a saucepan.
  2. Add in chopped garlics and wolfberry into the water.
  3. Wait for it to boil.
  4. Add in the vegetables.
  5. Then the salt was added accordingly. (Control Soup [A128] only add 1/2 tbsp of salt; Oversalted Soup with Potato Strips [B369] only add 2 tbsp of salt; Oversalted Soup without Potato Strips [C741] add 3 tbsp of salt)
  6. Let it boil for a while until you think it's done or alright. MAMAMEEYAHHHH>>>> Soup's ready =D.. Try it and say aHHhHHhHh
Till then.. Take care people =) =) =)


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