Methods & material

Hey people!!!

wanna try to prepare a healthy n delicious soup? It would also be part of our experiment process.. Here are the ingredients and method.. They're relatively simple =)

  • Some green leafy vegetables.. (optional, either lettuce, brussels sprouts,spinach)
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 packet of wolfberry
  • 1.2L of water
  • Salts

5 easy steps to follow....
  1. Put water to boil in a saucepan.
  2. Add in chopped garlics and wolfberry into the water.
  3. Wait for it to boil.
  4. Add in the vegetables.
  5. Then the salt was added accordingly. (Control Soup [A128] only add 1/2 tbsp of salt; Oversalted Soup with Potato Strips [B369] only add 2 tbsp of salt; Oversalted Soup without Potato Strips [C741] add 3 tbsp of salt)
  6. Let it boil for a while until you think it's done or alright. MAMAMEEYAHHHH>>>> Soup's ready =D.. Try it and say aHHhHHhHh
Till then.. Take care people =) =) =)


  1. To study the effectiveness of potatoes in reducing the level of saltiness in over salted soup.
  2. To investigate whether any compound of potatoes is responsible in reducing the saltiness level of the over salted soup.
  3. To determine which compound is responsible in reducing the saltiness level of the over salted soup.
  4. To study the osmosis process between the potatoes and over salted soup.

The Myth~~

Well... a myth is something like ancient history tales such as Zeus or it could be some stories shared by a group that are part of the group cultural. As we all know, myth is often associated with lies and some of them are part or can be integrated into our daily lives.

OK.. my point here is that.... there are lots of stories or myths and some of them are related to our everyday basic needs..
Which is FOOD..

And thus.. our First Food Mythbuster which is contributed by Susan's mum... (thanks aunty~~) is about using the peeled potato to reduce the saltiness of the soup. It is said that sometimes we tend to overestimate the amount of salt and ended up adding too much of the salt into our soup. Usually or normally, the first thing that will came across our mind would be adding more water into the soup. But however, by adding more water it will disrupt or changes the portions of the original recipe and sometimes it means adding more of the other ingredients too in order to compliment changes that has been made.

Therefore, in order to prove that this myth is true, we will have to do some experiment...

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